The SCWIBA A.G.M is Thursday 16th May 2024 at 10.30am at Adur IBC.

All welcome but only Delegates may vote.

Congratulations to all the winners of the Finals Day and to the runners up in every competition.

The full details are now online under 2024  Finals Results header.

Many thanks to all the officers and markers for the assistance in making the day run smoothly.

Enjoy marking singles matches? The EUBA are running a one day markers course on Sunday 9th June at Horsham IBC... Full details on the EIBA Information page

Congratulations to Eastbourne on winning the 2023/24 League Cup Final Shield, and to runners up Adur who receive The Plate.

Full score card is on the League Tables page.

Entries for the 2024 EIBA Summer National Competitions are now open.

Information and links are now online under the EIBA Information banner

Welcome back to the Indoor season for 2023 -24.

Due to some occasional changes to both leagues, each fixture page will now have a date at top of each page to show last updates.

This gives everyone the most up to date list for their information.