Sussex County Womens Indoor Bowls Association

It is an honour and a privilege to be your President for 2024-25 and represent our County.

When I retired from work, I took up the sport of bowls, starting in Norfolk and moving to Sussex in 2014. I have met and made many friends in the years that I have been playing, and appreciate how much the sport has to offer to all ages and abilities.

I have been made welcome by both Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club and also my many players across the County and quickly felt a part of these communities, for which I am so grateful. I would like to thank all the Officers in the County, both past and present, for their support and guidance to myself and also acknowledge their service over the years to the sport. Without their voluntary efforts and work, our clubs and the County would not continue.

May I wish you all, individuals and clubs, a successful and happy season over the next year.

Jan Barnes S.C.W.I.B.A. President 2024-25

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